Fear Factor

Momentary Lapse Of Sanity

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#Fear is what has controlled us and still doing so, It prevents us from reaching our dreams, talking with the people we find interesting, speaking our minds, and sometimes, it event prevents us from smiling.
In this #event, you’ll learn how to laugh in the face of fear, and tell it: you’re not afraid.
Now we have a chance to disconnect from social media and reconnecting with our souls, our passion, our inner child.
In this event, we’ll focus more on having fun, laughter, make friends, and fight fear.
So wear a comfortable shoe, bring a bottle of water, and be ready to be awesome.

Now, we have a chance to disconnect from social media and reconnect to our self, to other people, and to nature. It’s time to have fun, meet new people while learning something useful.

Our #goal is to reach out to as many people as we…

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Tips & hacks to Ace your exams

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Liebester award

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